Depression is a serious illness that can often havedetrimental effects on one's personal and professional life -but it doesn't have to. With proper treatment, one can conquerthis mental monster and lead a fulfilling and productive life.What's more, expensive prescription drugs with sometimesdebilitating side effects may very well not be the answer.In this breakthrough programme, Dr Michael Schachter offers hisproven protocol to treat depression naturally by rebalancing andrepairing out of sync and inefficient neurotransmitters in the brain.Readers are guided towards relief through potent, safe naturalsupplements that directly affect brain chemistry. Combining moretraditional treatments with new proven remedies, Dr Schachter'sprogramme reveals: the right amino acids that can help balance brainchemistry; how to easily and effectively control the amount ofserotonin, dopamine, and glutamine in the brain - without drugs; theimportance of Omega-3 intake and the role of mercury and fluoridetoxicity can play in depression and much more.Dr Schachter leaves no stone unturned on the path to treatingdepression safely, effectively and naturally.
Explains the characteristics, symptoms, and treatment options
The book is specifically designed to be highly readable for people who are finding it difficult to focus and concentrate during an episode of depression.
Millar JK, Wilson-Annan JC, Anderson S, Christie S, Taylor MS, Semple CA, Devon RS, Clair DM, Muir WJ, Blackwood DH ... Lesch K-P, Bengel D, Heils A, Sabol S, Greenberg B, Petri S, Benjamin J, Muller C, Hamer D, Murphy D. Association of ...
Previously, she has worked as project director on a National Institute of Nursing Research–funded study ... She was chair of a symposium on the current state of the science of drug addiction and pregnancy held by the National Institute ...
This e-book includes an audio program of guided meditations, narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn, for purchasers to stream or download from the Web.
An extensive resource section rounds out the book. Anyone suffering from depression in later life, and anyone who cares for someone suffering, will want to read this important guide to living well with depression in the golden years.
Jarrett RB, Schaffer M, McIntire D, Witt-Browder A, Kraft D, Risser RC. Treatment of atypical depression with cognitive therapy or phenelzine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 1999; 56:431–437. 31. Judd LL.
This book documents one of the largest clinical trials on depression. The trial found that treating depression by helping to activate people is as effective as helping them to change their thinking.
Doyne EI, Ossip-Klein DI, Bowman ED, Osborn KM, McDougall-Wilson IB, Neimeyer RA. Running versus weight lifting in the treatment of depression. I Consult Clin Psychol. 1987; 55(5):748-754. Dunn A, Trivedi M, Kampert I, Clark C, ...
The bestselling approachable guide that has inspired thousands of readers to manage or overcome depression — fully revised and updated for life in the 21st century.