Making over $100k and looking for a job? How do you compete in today s job market where every advertised job may well have 1,000 resumes chasing it? 'Turbocharged Networking for $100K+ Jobs' is a must-have book for today s highly competitive, Internet-enabled job search environment. Packed with specific strategies and techniques that executives need to fine-tune their advanced networking skills, it gives you the tools you need to get your next great job. 'Turbocharged Networking for $100K+ Jobs' tells clients how to get a job using the method that is successful about 80% of the time, as opposed to the 3% success rate of responding to online ads and going through executive recruiters. Learn the secrets to getting a job today. Discover ways to develop a target company list, how to use social networking sites, methods for gaining access to decision makers, sample telephone scripts to use, ideas for your sales pitch, and ways to become a valuable resource to hiring authorities as their next hire. Jean Cummings is an executive resume consultant and career coach. She distills complex careers into simple value propositions and success stories that are then integrated into powerful executive resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Ms. Cummings provides job search best practices to clients through her eBook and through her coaching.
A real-world guide to achieving career success, this book is designed to provide guidance for the emerging group of people who are Microsoft Certified Professionals. These pages explore getting resumes...
Work-Related Learning and the Social Sciences provides students with a useful introduction to both the study of work and to making the most of their own experiences of work.
Looking for a book to lead readers through an entire career life? This book was developed to provide learners with opportunities to gain insight into the self and how that impacts career development.
Offers information, exercises, strategies, and self-assessments to help students develop critical thinking skills and learn to manage time and resources, ask questions, solve problems, and prepare for the demands of college-level learning; ...
Keys to Success: How to Achieve Your Goals Course Compass Access Code
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills : College, Career, Life
Offers information, exercises, strategies, and self-assessments to help students develop critical thinking skills and learn to manage time and resources, ask questions, solve problems, and prepare for the demands of college-level learning; ...
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills
This goal-oriented text shows you that career choice is not a single event but a life-long process. You are in charge of your career and your success.HIRED ! helps you discover your own career philosophy.
This book presents creative, innovative, and useful strategies for addressing career challenges in the 21st century. Learning these competencies will serve students throughout their lifetime.