Terrorism, sadly, seems here to stay and to stay with a vengeance. It turns out that the United States was not prepared for it and now must play catch-up. Countries such as Japan, France, Spain, England and others have been targeted and attacked as well. As opposed to traditional forms of war where the enemy is known and locatable, the war on terrorism features foggily-defined enemies who seem at the same time everywhere and nowhere. This book presents important new reports of issues, trends and developments in the global war on terrorism.
Examines how the events of September 11 unified most Americans and analyzes how a small number of intellectuals, writers, members of the media, and academics questioned the U.S. response to the attacks and America's own culpability.
. .Quantum Lens is a smart, roller-coaster-ride of a thriller crammed with intriguing concepts readers will be contemplating long after they've read the last page.
"Un agente del FBI y un activista enfrentados en la novela más dramática y humana sobre el terrorismo"--Cover.
The anger left behind from the Easter Rebellion executions paved the way for Michael Collins ' war for independence against the Brits . “ Collins was brilliant at guerrilla warfare and forced the Brits to the bargaining table .
See , for example , E. MacDonald , D.E. Georges - Abeyie , and S. Aust , The Baader - Meinhof Group : The Inside Story of a Phenomenon , trans . by Anthea Bell ( London , 1985 ) ; L. de ... Weinberg and Eubank , op . cit . , 255 . 40.
... V.F. , 131 Blair , Bruce G. , 24 Blischtschenko , I.P. , 25 Blum , Yehuda Z. , 25 Bochikarvov , V. , 197 Bonanate ... Gorry D. , 24 Brousse , Marjorie Ann , 5 Browne , Marjorie A. , 180 Buckley , Alan D. , 27 Burton , Anthony M.
In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...
In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...
“ Seattle Times June 20 , 2006 : 1. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003073487_webiraq20.html ( accessed June 29 , 2006 ) . Gamson , William A. , David Croteau , William Hoynes , and Theodore Sasson . 1992.
Dr. James Waller , 37 , had abandoned the healing arts to toil in a Cone Mills corduroy - finishing plant , for the sole purpose of taking over the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union local .