This book dives into cutting edge research within relation to this field.
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.
The Movement for Sustainable Agriculture in the United States Brian K. Obach ... and Travis Smith, Emerging Issues in the U.S. Organic Industry, Economic Information Bulletin no. ... Hess, Localist Movements in a Global Economy. 73.
Review of Economic Impacts of Organic Production, Processing, and Marketing of Organic Agricultural Products: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Horticulture...
Consumer demand for organic products has widened over the last decade.
Allen, Patricia, and Carolyn Sachs. 1993. ... P. Allen. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Allen, Patricia, Debra Van Dusen, Jackelyn Lundy, and Stephen Gleissman. 1991. ... Altieri, Miguel, J. Davis, and K. Burroughs. 1983.
This book represents a current look at what we know about organic farming practices and systems, primarily from the U.S. and Canadian perspectives. the discussion begins with history and certification, ecological knowledge as the foundation ...
The National Organic Law at 20: Sowing Seeds for a Bright Future : Hearing Before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition,...
The demand for research on organic conversion and farmer motivation has increased in recent years because changes in the prevailing agricultural economic climate affect farmer perception of conversion. For example, the payment of ...
This timely collection provides a general overview and detailed discussion of social and technical issues related to moving toward a culture and practice of sustainable agriculture in the American Midwest.
Based on a decade of study, this book provides a scholarly overview of organic dairy politics, showing how politics, policy, and protest both inside and outside of agriculture can determine a future of pastoral landscapes resembling an ...