Non-linear, or chaotic behaviour in real world systems has been reported in electronic circuits and communications systems, chemical reactions, biological behaviour. Applications include solitons, integrable systems, cellular automata, pattern formation, qualitative structure and bifurcation theory, onset of chaos and turbulence, analytic dynamics, and transport phenomena. This book presents important new research in this dynamic field.
Except for two lectures on nonlinear waves by Norman Zabusky, which were omitted because it was felt that they already had been exhaustively treated in the available literature, this volume contains the entire text of the invited lectures.
This volume is a compilation of chapters representing the current state-of-the-art on the field of localized excitations and their role in the dynamics of complex physical systems.
J Stat Phys 151:9–20 Castellano C, Fortunato S, Loreto V (2009) Statistical physics of social dynamics. ... Moss de Oliveira S, de Oliveira P, Sá Martins J (2006) Biology, sociology, geology by computational physicists.
This book presents collaborative research presented by experts in the field of nonlinear science provides the reader with contemporary, cutting-edge, research works that bridge the gap between theory and device realizations of nonlinear ...
The importance of order ed clusters and the walls which bound them was stressed in this con text. A specific type of wall, the soliton, was discussed by a number of speakers.
Chaos, catastrophe, self-organization, and complexity theories (nonlinear dynamics) now have practical and measurable roles in the functioning of work organizations.
Ablowitz, M.J., Kaup, D.J., Newell, A.C. and Segur, H.: The initial value problem for the sine-Gordon equation, Phys. Rev. ... Nature 441 (2006) 192–194 Ahlborn, B.K.: Zoological Physics: Quantitative Models of Body Design, Actions, ...
This works well up to some accuracy and some range for the input values, but some interesting phenomena such as chaos and singularities are hidden by linearization and perturbation analysis.
This landmark book deals with nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) and nonlinear mode localization.
This volume covers recent advances in the field of nonlinear functional analysis and its applications to nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations, with particular emphasis on variational and topological methods.