The world is becoming increasingly electrified. For the foreseeable future, coal will continue to be the dominant fuel used for electric power production. The low cost and abundance of coal is one of the primary reasons for this. Electric power transmission, a process in the delivery of electricity to consumers, is the bulk transfer of electrical power. Typically, power transmission is between the power plant and a substation near a populated area. Electricity distribution is the delivery from the substation to the consumers. Due to the large amount of power involved, transmission normally takes place at high voltage (110 kV or above). Electricity is usually transmitted over long distance through overhead power transmission lines. Underground power transmission is used only in densely populated areas due to its high cost of installation and maintenance, and because the high reactive power gain produces large charging currents and difficulties in voltage management. A power transmission system is sometimes referred to colloquially as a "grid"; however, for reasons of economy, the network is rarely a true grid. Redundant paths and lines are provided so that power can be routed from any power plant to any load centre, through a variety of routes, based on the economics of the transmission path and the cost of power. Much analysis is done by transmission companies to determine the maximum reliable capacity of each line, which, due to system stability considerations, may be less than the physical or thermal limit of the line. Deregulation of electricity companies in many countries has led to renewed interest in reliable economic design of transmission networks. This new book presents leading-edge research on electric power and its generation, transmission and efficiency.
New Electricity 21: Power Industry Technology and Management Strategies for the Twenty-first Century : Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 12th-14th May...
Research topics covered under technical areas in the Structural Integrity program Transient Continuum Mechanics Code (STEALTH) Nonlinear Structural Analysis Code (ABAQUS) Simplified Nonlinear Methods Soil/Structure Interaction ln-situ ...
“ Energy Management for Commercial Buildings . ” Proceedings of 1976 Summer Workshop on Energy ... EPRI ( Electric Power Research Institute ) . 1985a . ... Power Research Institute ) . 1985c . Current Trends in Commercial Cool Storage .
EPRI 1001665, Power Quality Improvement Methodologyfor Wires Companies, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2003. EPRI 1010658, Distribution Reliability Trends and Correlations, Electric Power Research Institute, ...
The Handbook of Clean Energy Systems brings together an international team of experts to present a comprehensive overview of the latest research, developments and practical applications throughout all areas of clean energy systems.
1.4 CHALLENGES AND FUTURE TRENDS Table 1.1 summarizes the research challenges and opportunities and future trends over the next 10 years to 2025, alongside the present status for the main renewable energy technologies.
Dudas, J. H., “Technical Trends in Medium Voltage URD Cable Specifications,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, vol. 10, no. ... EPRI 1000273, Estimation of Remaining Life of XLPE-Insulated Cables, Electric Power Research Institute, ...
Featured by advanced IM technologies and Analytical Methods, it defines research trends of the future. ... J. Ding China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing, China 1 INTRODUCTION The 3rd IT wave, featured by cloud computing and ...
Throughput and energy consumption analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA. ... Decreased time delay and security enhancement recommendations for AMI smart meter networks. ... Vol. 1. 100 Research Trends and Challenges in Smart Grids.