Do Your Giving While You Are Living is an illuminating little book with a very big--and very timely--message. It inspires readers to embrace giving and to understand that the highest purpose in life is quite simple: doing for others. Featuring contributions from some of the most influential and philanthropic people and organizations in the world today, this book shows readers how the act of giving can change the world and also change their own lives in ways they never thought possible. Do Your Giving While You Are Living offers food for thought in bite-sized bits. Each entry includes a quote, a brief first-person story of how one of the book's contributors--from leading-edge thinkers to hometown heroes--made a difference, and an action step readers can put to use in their lives. The vignettes are as moving as they are enlightening, teaching readers the power of giving and demonstrating specific ways how that power can be put into action, no matter what age or station in life.
Atlantic Insights: Giving While LIving
The Secret to Living Is Giving
Here are steps anyone can take to better their own life and make a difference in the world. This revised and expanded edition of Give To Live (60,000 copies in print) offers new insights and applications. A tool for fund-raisers.
This book is about helping people to understand the power of giving.
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A special 25th anniversary edition of the beloved book that changed millions of lives—with a new afterword by the author “A wonderful book, a story of the heart told by a writer with soul.”—Los ...
Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe's best-selling "BE" commentary series, Be Wise has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh.
He now brings his hard-fought wisdom to this groundbreaking book.
We can then learn, says Powell, to give gladly and generously out of our heartfelt connection with God. In the second half of Giving to God Powell applies these principles to today’s complicated world.
Just like Abraham, we may not know where God is leading us or how He will fulfill His promises to us, but we are called to trust. Let Chuck Swindoll be your daily companion, encouraging you to put your life into God's capable hands.