Teen Law is a general legal guide for teenagers everywhere. It is written in friendly, novel-like style to beckon young readers. The book covers the laws relating to auto accidents, sex, alcohol, drugs, contracts, school activities, traffic tickets and hearings, military service, curfew, insurance policies and claims, apartment leases, credit score building, copyright protection, employment, damages to you and to others, and search and seizure. Each chapter presents a unique legal subject and practical tips for understanding legal issues, avoiding legal land mines and using the law to the reader's advantage. Reviews: -- As a former prosecutor and criminal court judge and a current law school professor, I am aware of the importance of our youth taking the law seriously. In that regard, one of the most powerful tools we can provide as parents, teachers, and community leaders is a meaningful education of legal consequences. Teen Law helps us in that regard. It is comprehensive, accurate and entertaining. I recommend the book to every adult who cares about our young people.-- Professor Lupe Salinas -Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University; Houston, Texas -- I cannot overstate the importance of our youth understanding and respecting the law; it is not enough merely to say that the law is a serious matter; rather, we must find a more effective message; Teen Law strikes me as that type of message.--Donna Goode -Former Bureau Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau; Harris County, Texas, District Attorney's Office The author, David Levin is a member of the State Bar of Texas and practices law in Houston.
A biography of Tilmon B. O'Bryant, who, despite obstacles, rose to the position of Assistant Chief of Police in Washington, D.C.
Go behind the scenes at the Constitutional Convention, thanks to award-winning author Jean Fritz's words! This factual gem that's written with Newbery Honor author Jean Fritz's humorous touch chronicles...
Presents conflicting opinions on criminal justice reform, the rights of the accused, sentencing, and how the nature and organization of the legal system affects criminal justice
「法律白話文運動」首次跨足童書強檔巨作從耳熟能詳的童話故事,探究生活中無所不在的民刑法知識培養法律基本素養,鍛鍊現代公民核心能力 \\ 趣味漫畫 X 法律分析 X 名詞解釋 //每一則童話都是一個犯罪現場,跟著童話陪審團剖析童話人物的行為,真真假假、誰對誰錯,邀你一起來評判! 童話人物也是挺荒謬的!.灰姑娘的繼姐犯了家暴法?.魔笛手居然是個誘拐嫌疑犯?.賣火柴小女孩是非法勞工?.睡美人故事中的王子風度翩翩,居然也犯罪了? 一同走進犯罪現場,練出自身法治素養力!你知道童話故事中有許多違法事件與暗藏的法律危機嗎?為了維護世界的秩序與安定,懲處破壞與威脅,保護每個人的權益、人身關係與財產不受到侵害,童話陪審團整裝待發、即刻出動! 童話陪審團刑法篇帶你深入了解,國家是否可以驅逐人民嗎?王子隨意親一個陌生人又是犯了什麼罪?為了自保,小兄妹可以用熱水燙死虎姑婆嗎?維護世界的秩序與安定,保護生命,並懲罰違反規範且破壞或威脅的行為等問題,盡在刑法篇中。 20則童話故事漫畫,引領讀者進入情境,剖析現場不尋常之處,打破過往的認知迷思。一起來認識法律基礎知識,擴充法治素養,讓自己免於犯罪危機! ◎本書特色特色1 趣味漫畫故事|以漫畫劇場呈現故事,快速帶你走入童話犯罪現場!特色2 法律知識解析|從童話中的違法情節串連真實案例,全方位介紹刑法民法基礎知識。特色3 名詞補充解釋|精選生活中和媒體常見法律名詞補充解釋,建構未來公民法治素養。 ◎本系列共2冊童話陪審團-刑法篇:偷親睡美人的王子,你有罪!童話陪審團-民法篇:小美人魚,你的交易不合法! ◎ 本書關鍵字:法律白話文運動、法律、法治素養、法律教育◎ 無注音, 10歲以上適讀◎ 教育議題分類:性別平等、人權◎ 學習領域分類:語文、社會、綜合活動、生活科技(資訊+生活)
- Current book and periodical bibliographies- Lists of organizations to contact- Critical thinking activities and discussion questions- Illustrations, inserts, and cartoons- Titles continually revised and updated- Biographical sketch of authors-...
"The rights of women, refugees, child laborers, and political prisoners are among the issues debated in this collection of articles and essays ... Contributors from many sides include Hillary Rodham...
This series follows a social movement from its roots to its most recent efforts and concerns. Carefully selected and edited viewpoints are drawn from leading advocates and scholarly interpretations. Additional...
Discusses the cases brought by the Cherokee Nation and its supporters against the state of Georgia beginning in the 1830s to protect the rights of the Cherokee living there.