For Love and Liberty

For Love and Liberty
Stephen M. Grimble


For all Americans who believe in liberty and wish to bequeath its blessings to posterity In his provocative, page-turning saga, For Love & Liberty, Stephen M. Grimble skillfully interweaves early American history with a poignant love story. He pays homage to the Founding Fathers' sacred trust - to secure the blessings of liberty to posterity - through the actions of six distinguished citizens who, out of concern for America's future, form the Madison Committee, named for the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. Reb McCoy, retired business executive, decorated Vietnam veteran, and philanthropist, agrees to chair the committee, whose charter is to determine what can be done to restore America to its founding principles: limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal solvency. The Madison Committee proposes seven constitutional amendments known as the Second Bill of Rights, designed to curb the ever-expanding federal government and its runaway spending. Acknowledging that Congress would never approve these amendments, the committee sets out to secure two-thirds of the state legislatures to petition Congress to call a constitutional convention, the first since 1787. The committee realizes it must become actively involved in politics to have any chance of accomplishing its agenda. With his beautiful wife Marlenna's blessing, McCoy runs for governor of Texas in 2014 and wins. He convinces many fellow governors to urge their state legislatures to petition Congress for a convention. Unanticipated events draw McCoy reluctantly into the 2016 presidential election. By the time the election is decided, more than two-thirds of the states have petitioned Congress to call a constitutional convention, but, fearing the loss of power, it fails to do so. In response to this breach of the Constitution and other usurpations by the federal government, three states seriously consider seceding from the United States and forming a new constitutional republic. Read how McCoy and his colleagues try to ensure that the current generation of Americans honors the Founders' challenge to secure the blessings of liberty to posterity. For Love & Liberty is a timely and cautionary tale, full of drama, romance, and a perspective on history rarely found anywhere.

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