Offers instructions for creating fifty French-inspired jewelry projects using vintage beads and other notions.
Les auteures Ann et Karen Mitchell forment une équipe dynamique de conceptrices de bijoux; elles vous enseigneront tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur les outils et les matériaux et vous montreront comment vous en servir.
Lavishly illustrated with over 200 photographs and diagrams, Freeform Peyote Beading: Design and Creation of Original Wearable Art Jewelry, goes beyond bead stringing and counted patterns into the exciting world of free-form stitching.
Beadwork Storytellers, a Visual Language
Kids of all ages will find hours of fun, with this wide selection of pony bead activities from bracelets and baubles to flip flops and keychains.
Beading with Leather: Beads, Stamps, Wire, Details and More!
Heather lives in Richardson , Texas , with her husband , Mark , and daughter , Sarah . To see more of her work , visit her online shop , Sunshine Designs Etc. at . Kathleen Daniels started out as a ...
Amazing Braids & Beads: Pretty Things to Make and Do!.
Flat Peyote Stitch