Print it! Kodak, the company every photographer trusts, presents the second, updated edition of its Most Basic Book of Digital Printing. Not only does it include all the most up-to-date Kodak software versions, but also Kodak’s exciting new, economical all-in-one printers and inkjet solutions. This is technology made simple and effective, and this guide shows how to make the most of it. All the information on choosing equipment is here, plus advice on digitalizing photos, using scanners creatively, image resolution, resizing, and more. Find out how to make test prints to ensure proper settings, experiment with available papers, and “repair” problems in the computer. To bring newcomers up to speed, there are definitions of key vocabulary, plus plenty of photos, charts, and illustrations.
Printing the image investigates in detail the many different ways in which a digital image can be printed. Structured in ten chapters, the book covers such crucial areas as Setting up your printer, About your printer and paper.
Accompanied by fashion photography, catwalk imagery, and close-up details of prints and patterns, and crucially supplemented by the designers own notebooks, impressions, quotations and influences, the book is an invaluable reference as well ...
IS & T's International Conference on Digital Production Printing and Industrial Applications: The Final Program and Proceedings of DPP2003 :...
With the help of Rob Sheppard, editor of Outdoor Photographer and PCPhoto magazines, and this fully updated manual, amateurs can enter Epson's brave new world with all the latest information on printers and papers.
A guide to fine art printing with an inkjet printer covers such topics as color management, printer selection, black and white printing, inks and paper, and printing applications.