Is our Christianity that of the New Testament? "God and men and their relation to each other—this I believe to be all that really matters in the world, and that is what I have written about here." —A. W. Tozer Like a physician running a biopsy on lifeless faith, here A. W. Tozer offers one of the most compelling critiques of feigned spirituality you may ever read. In Of God and Men, Tozer exposes false religious notions and lifts up true New-Testament Christianity. A loving and gentle critique of culture and even the church, it reveals lies we unknowingly believe, godless practices we unknowingly do, and treasures of Christ we unknowingly ignore. A manifesto of true religion, Of God and Men will set your foot on the narrow path and lift your heart in soaring worship.
Insightfully exploring these "acts of God and man," Michael R. Powers guides readers through the methods available for identifying and measuring such risks, financing their consequences, and forecasting their future behavior within the ...
Details the true story of seven monks kidnapped from a Trappist monastery in war-torn Algeria to be used as negotiation tools to free imprisoned terrorists and whose severed heads were found in a tree two months later, in a powerful account ...
This is the story of how one man learned firsthand that any man can be who God made him to be, and how history unfolded in the actions of average men whose entire lives were transformed by God himself.
Heschel was one of the outstanding Judaic philosophers and theologians of our time, and this is more than just a comprehensive introduction to contemporary Judaism as he attempts to bridge the gap between traditions of Eastern European ...
In How God Makes Men, Patrick Morley reminds us that God still makes those kinds of guys.”—Dave Ramsey, New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio show host God’s Way for You to Become God’s Man Let’s face ...
What does it take to be a “real” man? You don’t have to be perfect to be a man of God. As Dr. Charles Stanley writes, a man of God is a maturing man, a striving man, a knowledgeable man.
The book, God and Man at Yale, rocked the academic world and catapulted its young author, William F. Buckley Jr. into the public spotlight. Now, half a century later, read the extraordinary work that began the modern conservative movement.
Encourages Christian men to live for Christ; in their homes, workplaces, leisure and in their churches.
That’s what makes this book special: It specifically reveals God’s heart for men in the spiritual “red zone,” and sets forth the choices they must make to take the relationship with God all the way.
He was also a man after God's own heart. In this Christian classic, Alan Redpath blends insights from 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, and Psalms to demonstrate how God shapes those who are responsive to his love.