Women's style of collaborative and visionary leadership is now changing the way society functions. Celebrating the shift, this anthology includes chapters by such notable women leaders as Oprah Winfrey, Suze Orman, First Lady Michelle Obama, Venus and Serena Williams, Angelina Jolie, and Sue Monk Kidd.
I will. The "Dragon Goddess" series is a paranormal romance series with werewolves, wizards, vampires.... and one very sarcastic dragon shifter female! This series follows Tia as she learns who she is and how to control her powers.
This book will help to understand not only about the twin-flame union but also the very powerful awakenings and shifts that happened on 11/11/11 by the god and goddess of the universe to awaken the twin flames, which was a huge portal that ...
" In this book, you will journey through the stories and teachings of powerful goddesses from various cultures, including Kali, Hekate, Lilith, Inanna, Oya, Medusa, Pele, Eris, Spider Woman, The Morrigan, Tiamat, Coatlicue, and Athena.
When soul seeks a healing from their divinity the greatest energy of Divine Light will flow for a profound healing. Understanding where the healing comes from will endorse one's divine connection, as soul identifies what is divine ...
... goddess became embodied and fixed in stone, notably, with Shiva at her side. This shift from being an incorporeal goddess, who was present in word and text only, to becoming a divine material-ized goddess in the public domain seemingly ...
The author combines personal experience with historical and philosophical reflection to create a new model of embodied thinking.
This book shows how the discovery of the asteroids Ceres, Pallas Athena, Juno, and Vesta coincided with the shift of a woman.
This volume is an up-to-date, highly readable study of the female aspects of religion both in past and present mythologies. It explores the function and nature of goddesses and their cults in many cultures.
The Temples of Golden Light are a gift from Source, to re-balance planet earth with Goddess energy, raising the vibration through ascension.
... shifting cultivation clearly reflects that adoption of any new farming system may not provide facilities to worship the appropriate God / Goddess . The shift from traditional farming system means partial shift from the traditional way ...