Agritourism has emerged as a viable financial option for many farms and ranches. Since the publication of the first edition of Agritourism and Nature Tourism, the landscape has changed as counties and local governments incorporate agritourism into their local plans. This new edition builds on the concepts of the first, and adds updated information on regulations, risk management, and new marketing trends.
California Tourism (2002) California Agri-Tourism Directory, Sacramento: A Joint Marketing Venture of the California ... University of California, Davis (2002) Agritourism and Nature Tourism in California, Davis, CA: Small Farm Center.
Surviving Inspections: After the Use Permit Is Issued Anticipate regular inspections for health or environmental regulations. Get to know these inspectors. A positive relationship makes ... Agritourism and nature tourism in California.
Additionally, the University of California Agricultural Personnel Management Program ( offers information about labor-related topics. ... Agritourism and nature tourism in California.
Agritourism and nature tourism in California. University of California. GEOTEE. (2000). Mountain and less favored areas in Greece: Agro(to)tourisni. GEOTEE. (in Greek). Iakovidou, O. (1997). Agri-tourism in Greece: The case of women ...
Handy for commercial producers as well as backyard gardeners, this classic guide for growers and sellers of niche market produce provides detailed information about growing specialty crops that are growing in popularity among consumers.
A final category of exotic and strange foods is the rare, exotic, hard to find, or unusual. Examples include kopi luwak, coffee beans that have been swallowed and passed through the digestive track of the civet; bird's nest, ...
Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications Susan L. Slocum, Carol Kline, Christina T. Cavaliere ... Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality, 1(2), 1–2. Cloke, P. (1997). ... Agritourism and nature tourism in California.
table 11.1 Benefits and Costs of an Agritourism Business Adapted from E. Rilla and H. George, Agritourism and Nature Tourism in California, 2d ed.,” University of California Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Publication 3484 ...
Sometimes, specific skills may be needed for participating in adventure tourism activities—from white-water rafting to handling of diving instruments. Adventure tourism firms mitigate the risks of the travelers by providing special ...
The resilient family farm: Supporting agricultural development and rural economic growth. Practical Action Publishing, Warwickshire, UK. 192 pp. California Department of Food and Agriculture. http://