What happens to your estate after you are gone is very much within your control. Estate planning is not only for the wealthy; it is for everyone. It is simply the process of deciding where your assets are to be distributed after your death. For those people who wish to preserve their assets for designated purposes --- such as family or special charities --- it becomes necessary to make special advance preparations. The right plan can protect the value of your estate and spare your loved ones unnecessary hassles and legal conflicts. The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate in Washington will help you glide through this complicated process. This new book has been adapted to offer Washington residents state-specific advice for estate planning. Author Linda C. Ashar, attorney at law, has crafted an estate-planning primer, allowing Washington residents to become more informed and more involved during the process. Washington-specific information is offered throughout this book, including Washington's probate code; Washington rules, regulations, and laws specific to estate planning elements of a valid Washington will; planning your living will in Washington; and explanations of Washington laws regarding durable health care power of attorney, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, and directives to withhold CPR. This book's easy-to-understand context clarifies this complicated and sensitive subject and gives readers the power to take control of their futures.
Sorting Out Life's Complexities: What You Really Need to Know about Taxes, Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorneys, Retirement Plans, Health...
The Roth IRA All Qualified Distributions Are Tax Free from a Roth IRA This much talked about IRA features tax free accumulation of investment earnings like most other retirement plans . The Roth IRA differs from the traditional IRA ...
Florida Estate Planning
Wills Trust 94 Sup
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Family Wealth Transactions: Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Second Edition. 1982 supplement
Estate and Gift Tax Digest: 1985 cumulative supplement no. 1, including expanded coverage of subchapter J--income taxation of trusts and...
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Provides the fundamentals of personal insurance and personal financial planning for insurance professionals who can use the information to better serve their clients as well as manage their own loss exposures and financial planning ...
Explains how probate works and what a living trust can do that a will cannot. Illustrates simple ways to avoid probate and save hundreds of dollars.