Beth's leeriness of her business partner Sara's husband causes strain in their friendship, and, meanwhile, a terrorist act is carried out on their small village, and someone Beth knows is linked to the attack.
Tips for making dreaded tasks easier to do are just part of Farmer's system for making life more efficient, productive, and meaningful.
It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living. In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humor, inspiration and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form.
Not This Time
As the day comes to an end, bedtime draws near. But the little boy in this book is quite sure it is NOT time for sleeping.
It's to embrace them more fully, and discard everything that isn't serving them. This book will teach you how to: Zone in on what really matters to you, so you can ditch everything that isn't serving your dreams.
Not Your Time to Die is a wonderful, imaginative story that fondly and humorously reflects on our own mortality.
With this testimony the genocide is no longer just a historical event, it is instead the story of a woman, a mother, a Tutsi. And this is what makes Yolande’s account universal." Gaël Faye
A collection of the best writing--minus the numbers and complicated formulas--that Bill James has written in the years that his Baseball Abstract established itself as a baseball and literary legend, as well as an annual bestseller.
By completing just 20 hours of focused, deliberate practice you’ll go from knowing absolutely nothing to performing noticeably well. Kaufman personally field-tested the methods in this book.
In Six Not-So-Easy Pieces, taken from these famous lectures, Feynman delves into one of the most revolutionary discoveries in twentieth-century physics: Einstein's theory of relativity.