Program Information Form Made Simple: A Guide to Completing the ACGME PIF

Program Information Form Made Simple: A Guide to Completing the ACGME PIF
HC Pro, Inc.
Jeri L. Whitten, Vicki Hamm


Program Information Form Made Simple: A Guide to Completing the ACGME PIF Jeri L. Whitten, C-TAGME Vicki Hamm, Contributing author Completing the PIF is a complex task. Make it simple. "Program Information Form Made Simple: A Guide to Completing the ACGME PIF" is a resource you can turn to throughout the PIF preparation process. It helps ensure that you have the information you need, when you need it, for successful PIF completion. It will help you: Successfully navigate PIF preparation with clear guidelines to: Stay on track with timelines and deadlines Organize the information needed to fill out the PIF Prepare the PIF Answer PIF questions with: Sample answers Dos and don'ts Common traps to avoid Recruit assistance for PIF completion by: Identifying key stakeholders Getting them on board Delegating tasks Monitoring their progress A comprehensive and informative PIF is vital for favorable accreditation decisions from the ACGME. This book and CD-ROM set provides a concise guide that program directors and coordinators can easily search, read, and consult as they complete the PIF. It includes: Advice on how to answer PIF questions A timeline for managing paperwork and deadlines Tips for compliance with ACGME guidelines Ways to collaborate with others and obtain all of the form's required information This guide breaks down the PIF basics and how to get organized. It also provides content organized around a timeline, so that you know what needs to be completed as you count down from 12, 6, and 3 months prior to your site visit. With this easy-to-use guide, you can: Learn effective strategies for approaching questions on the PIF Devise a timetable for PIF completion Review sample answers from your peers' PIFs Understand and prevent common and repeat citations Organize documentation, evaluations, and paperwork Educate residents and faculty about the accreditation process Who will benefit? Residency program directors; residency program coordinators; GME managers, coordinators, administrators, committee members, and office personnel; directors of medical education; and designated institutional officials.

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