While most consumable energy is derived from fossil fuels, the utilization of alternative energy sources has been scrutinized and hotly debated in recent years. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full-color illustrations this title examines Are Alternative Energy Sources Necessary? What Alternative Energy Sources Should Be Pursued? Can Alternative Energy Be Used for Transportation? How Will Increased of Energy Alternatives Impact Society?
全球累積銷售兩千萬冊, 翻譯成十七國語言, 逾五十年來, 啟迪全球五大洲上億地球人的環保意識。 《寂靜的春天》是跨世紀的警示環保書寫, ...
... 亚马孙河流域可能形成雨云的湿空气,这自然导致了降水变少;二是来自南极的寒流并不会形成降水,即使产生了很多的雾和云,但对降水作用极小。安第斯山脉但即使在这样干旱的环境下,依然有100多万人存活在阿塔卡玛沙漠。没有水,他们就会制作一张张稠密网幕, ...
Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe Award for New Talent in Illustrations, EMIERT/ALA Notable Books for a Global Society, International Reading Association (IRA) Amelia Bloomer Project - Feminist Task Force, American Library...
Wangari Maathai, winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Green Belt Movement, grew up in the highlands of Kenya, where fig trees cloaked the hills, fish...
A topical and practical introduction to life in a variety of environments around the world.The World Book Ecology series looks at the interaction of animals, plants, and people through beautiful...
For more than fifty years, explorer-naturalist George Schaller has been on a mission: to save the world's great wild beasts and their environments. In this compelling biography, illustrated with Schaller's...
Discusses the discovery, geology, and prehistoric animals of Australia and New Zealand, the typical wildlife, such as marsupials and egg-laying mammals, and their conservation.