Cranbrooke v. Intellex: Plaintiff's Materials
Cranbrooke v. Intellex: Case File
Cranbrooke V. Intellex: Case File
Cranbrooke V. Intellex: Defendant's Materials
An international contractual dispute arises when Intellex, a U.S. manufacturer of video games, licenses another company to distribute its newly developed line of video-game products in possible violation of its contract with Cranbrooke, a ...
An international contractual dispute arises when Intellex, a U.S. manufacturer of video games, licenses another company to distribute its newly developed line of video-game products in possible violation of its contract with Cranbrooke, a ...
Cranbrooke V. Intellex: Plaintiff's Materials
Cranbrooke V. Intellex: Faculty Materials
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Law Books in Print: Subject index J-Z
In Lawyers and Fidelity to Law, Bradley Wendel introduces a new conception of legal ethics that addresses the concerns of lawyers and their critics alike.