This powerful book contains chapters by 22 of the world’s leading luminaries in the field of personal development and spiritual transformation, including bestselling authors Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God) and Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements). Covering topics from co-creating a peaceful world, forgiveness, healing, and finding purpose and happiness, to chapters about health, well-being, destiny, and the mysteries of kundalini, The Light also includes practical exercises and guidance, empowering readers to achieve their greatest potential.
The book's more practical message is designed to empower readers to reveal the mysteries of the Inner Light via a series of universal truths.
To come to the Heart is to shine as You are, as the Light of Love that is I. You have been born to know this Love.
Knowing the separation never occurred. This book will help you further your understanding of how to get your thoughts and ego driven limitations forever out of the way!
He also concealed timeless instructions and practices to benefit future generations. The volume presents in-depth explanations of the Tibetan Buddhist perspective. The Light of Wisdom, Vol.
We see it in the changing seasons, the stories of Scripture in the Bible, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the rise and fall of civilizations, and even personally in our lives.
He wants you to transcend human limitations and access the divine realm. Open your spirit to receive fresh illumination, for you are about to have an intimate encounter with The Light Giver.
Ed. Leo G. Perdue, Bernard Brandon Scott, and William Johnston Wiseman. Louisville: Westminster John Knox. Tostengard, Sheldon. 1992. “Psalm 22.” Interpretation 46:167–70. Towner, W. Sibley. 2003. “'Without Our Aid He Did Us Make': ...
... progress depends upon the intellectual and spiritual training given to the people who live within its borders . A nation whose members are lacking in intellectual and spiritual development should not 52 Pearls of Wisdom Progress.
Within the wide-eyed wonder of Oracle of Shadows and Light, readers will encounter grumpy fairies, sassy witches, cheeky ghosts, and brazen beings, all acting as the magickal messengers of mysterious dreams.
A Glimpse of Light offers contemplations from the ocean of wisdom contained in the wisdom of Kabbalah, touching upon topics such as pleasure, ego, love, men and women, education, Nature, The Book of Zohar, and spirituality.