A product of extensive archival research and numerous interviews, 1977: A Cultural Moment In Composition examines the local, state, and national forces (economic, political, cultural, and academic) that fostered the development of the first-year composition program at one representative site, Penn State University, in the late 1970s.
The author chronicles the year 1977 in the career of the Grateful Dead and the lives of their fans.
Television historian Alvin H. Marill has compiled a comprehensive listing of every film made for television since the first was broadcast in 1964. Each entry cites the film's original network,...
101 On this notion , see T. Vogel , Theorie des systemes evolutifs ( Paris : Gautier - Villars , 1965 ) , pp . 8-10 . 102 This future already present is the future of the emotion which speaks the future in the present ( " I am dead " ...