I'd Rather Be Better, Than Bitter

I'd Rather Be Better, Than Bitter
Xulon Press
Roy Major


Along the crushed-but-not-destroyed and cast-down-but-not-forsaken, way, God told me, Go to my church that I have for you. There, they will bind up your wounds. They will break bread with you. They will drink of my cup with you. And, as you do and say whatever I command you, and go where I tell you to go, I will heal you, and indeed set you free. Later, I wrote, Never Again in Satan's Field. I vowed to never again break faith with those who died. Only to find out that my faith was never broken, only buried. I choose to forgive, rather than hold a grudge. In that, I'd rather be better, than bitter. I was born in a little town of Tuelon, Man. It wasn't much of a town back then, where nothing significant would come from there. God had set me apart before I was even born. Almost born in a ditch, God called my life into being, though the doctors said I wouldn't live an hour. The cord's wrapped around my neck 3X. Skin's as blue as the sky. Left leg 3 inches shorter than the other. Brain damaged, it was soon evident that I couldn't grasp anything or anyone, except for Jesus. The first encounter told me I was loved, while the second time of like surroundings, told me I was almost in the ditch. I had to fight to learn, only to be told that Jesus was teaching me all along the way. And, because He chose to love me, I'd become better and stronger, not bitter and weaker.