Learn the how’s and why’s of bird behavior, from flirtatious mating practices and gorgeous birdsong to flying south for the winter. In this lively reference book, Laura Erickson addresses hundreds of real-life questions sent in to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the world’s foremost authority on birds. With expert advice on bird watching techniques and equipment, feeding and housing birds, protecting habitats, and much more, Erickson guides you through the intricacies of the avian world with a contagious passion for our feathered friends.
LEFT This drake is performing the grunt-whistle courtship display, lasting about a second. He dips his bill, arches his neck, and lifts his body almost out of the water. Suddenly he flips an arc of droplets into the air and whistles ...
Ornithologist Laura Erickson combines her bird expertise with a touch of romance writing in this exploration of the courtship and mating rituals of 35 bird species, from the tiny ruby-throated hummingbird to the mighty great blue heron.
This bird watching journal helps you to improve your bird identification. Perfect for the birder, kids, teens, or anyone who loves to watch birds. This book includes all the authoritative information that an aspiring birder would require.
This accessible guide includes fun facts, such as where certain birds got their names, how birds eat, how they find a life partner, and how they build a home for the chicks.
It is perfect tool to record all your data in one place and make your hobby a habit! Also this personalized book makes a unforgettable gift for all the birdwatchers and bird lovers, it is a lot of fun for kids, and perfect for personal use!
Thanks also to my friend and wonderful artist Paul Cosgrove for his fantastic cover art. Thanks lastly to my uncle Danny Kelso for letting me pick his memory, and to my many friends and family who took the time to read the drafts and ...
In Why Do Bluebirds Hate Me?, O’Connor applies his deep knowledge of all things avian to answer the questions that keep birders up at night.
Provides practical information on converting backyards into model bird sanctuaries, setting up feeding stations, bird houses, and water areas, treating sick and injured birds, and taking outstanding photographs
These birds, passing through in astounding numbers, are among the hawks and accipiters, buteos and harriers, eagles and ospreys pictured and profiled in detail in this book.
Offers advice on over 100 ways to help protect birds and their habitats, and explains how a pro-active approach to wildlife conservation can make a difference.