White House Politics and the Environment: Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush

White House Politics and the Environment: Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush
Texas A & M University Press
Byron W. Daynes, Glen Sussman


Presidents and their administrations since the 1960s have become increasingly active in environmental politics, despite their touted lack of expertise and their apparent frequent discomfort with the issue.
In White House Politics and the Environment: Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush, Byron W. Daynes and Glen Sussman study the multitude of resources presidents can use in their attempts to set the public agenda. They also provide a framework for considering the environmental direction and impact of U.S. presidents during the last seven decades, permitting an assessment of each president in terms of how his administration either aided or hindered the advancement of environmental issues.
Employing four factors--political communication, legislative leadership, administrative actions, and environmental diplomacy--as a matrix for examining the environmental records of the presidents, Daynes and Sussman's analysis and discussion allow them to sort each of the twelve occupants of the White House included in this study into one of three categories, ranging from less to more environmentally friendly.
Environmental leaders and public policy professionals will appreciate White House Politics and the Environment for its thorough and wide-ranging examination of how presidential resources have been brought to bear on environmental issues.

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