In a collection of short, witty, poignant, even humorous essays, Ausubel tracks the big ideas, emerging trends, and game-changing developments of our time. He guides us through our watershed moment, showing how it's possible to emerge from a world where corporations are citizens, the gap between rich and poor is cavernous, and biodiversity and the climate are under assault and create a world where we take our cues from nature and focus on justice, equity, diversity, democracy, and peace.
Through his research, he has discovered that people he knows (family, friends, and students) can also access “heads-up” dreams, suggesting this is a normal biological activity.
A valuable dream guide shows readers how to use nightly messages from the unconscious to inform and instruct their waking consciousness. Original.
Dreaming the Past, Dreaming the Future: A Herstory of the Earth
In this accessible exploration of precognition, precognitive dreamwork, and a radically new biographical sensibility, the Long Self, that precognition awakens us to, Eric Wargo shows how dreamworkers can play the role of citizen scientists, ...
Let Us Dream is an epiphany, a call to arms, and a pleasure to read. It is Pope Francis at his most personal, profound and passionate. With this book and with open hearts, we can change the world.
A book by the British aeronautical engineer J. W. Dunne (1875-1949) on the subjects of precognitive dreams and the nature of time.
Educational Planet Shapers: Researching, Hypothesising, Dreaming the Future
This book is perfect for anyone interested in "dreaming" and recording their "dreams" on a regular basis.By keeping a Dream Journal, you will discover and track themes and patterns over time, and by this experience, learn the principles and ...
An in-depth study into the cutting-edge science of ‘sensing’ the future, or precognition—from a cognitive neuroscientist and the bestselling author of The Dream Dictionary In this groundbreaking book, bestselling author Theresa Cheung ...
B. Mayes and H. Klugh, “Birthdate, Psychology: A Look at Some New Data,” Journal ofPsychology 99, 27, 1978; J. Mayo, O. White, Ane H. Eysenck, “An Empirical Study ofthe Relation Between Astrology Factors and Personality,” Journal of ...