Featuring a new code of ethics for journalists and essays by 14 journalism thought leaders and practitioners, The New Ethics of Journalism: Principles for the 21st Century, by Kelly McBride and Tom Rosenstiel, examines the new pressures brought to bear on journalism by technology and changing audience habits. It offers a new framework for making critical moral choices, as well as case studies that reinforce the concepts and principles rising to prominence in 21st century communication. The book addresses the unique problems facing journalism today, including how we arrive at truth in an era of abundant and unverified information; the evolution of new business models and partnerships; the presence of journalists on independent social media platforms; the role of diversity; the meaning of stories; the value of images; and the role of community in the production of journalism.
This revised edition includes chapters such as “Ethics and the Law,” “Conflicts of Interest,” “Privacy,” and “Source/Reporter Relationships.” Describing the basic connection between ethical journalism and excellent ...
Using popular movies from Wag the Dog to Good Night, and Good Luck to illustrate the kind of ethical dilemmas journalists encounter on the job, this student-friendly book is sure to spark interest and stimulate thinking.
An argument for a new system of ethics in journalism that will take into account its global reach and impact.
MORI poll, February 2002, cited in Karen Sanders, Ethics and Journalism, London: Sage Publications, 2003. 15. Ian Black, “British newspapers 'the least trusted in Europe,'” The Guardian, April 24, 2002. 16. Carroll Doherty, “The public ...
For courses in media ethics, this brief introduction examines the philosophical under-pinnings of ethics in journalism. The book explores the foundations of specific cases and considers issues such as gift taking and moonlighting.
As they progress through the text, students are encouraged to resolve dozens of practical applications and increasingly complex case studies relating to journalism, new media, advertising, public relations, and entertainment.
The book is based on a survey of the literature in the field, interviews with some 150 journalists and media watchers, and his own experience both as a journalist with The Associated Press, Baltimore Sun, and Washington Star.
The aim of this text is to help students recognize the important role they play as journalists, and to make the connection between excellent journalism and ethical journalism.
This is the book to help guide students and the rest of us through the revolution.” ALICIA C. SHEPARD, FORMER NPR OMBUDSMAN The third edition of The Ethical Journalist is a comprehensive examination of current issues in the field of ...
The new edition of Journalism Ethics and Regulation presents an accessible, comprehensive and in-depth guide to this vital and fast moving area of journalistic practice and academic study.