Mastering Business Analysis Standard Practices: Seven Steps to the Next Level of Competency

Mastering Business Analysis Standard Practices: Seven Steps to the Next Level of Competency
Business & Economics
Business Analysis Professional
Kelley Bruns, Billie Johnson


"This volume in the Business Analysis Professional Development Series presents all the standard practices for performing business analysis work across seven steps, five perspectives, and 74 techniques. It will help business analysts at all levels further develop their skills and capabilities and master the next, or intermediate, level of competency in business analysis needed to advance their careers. This reference provides valuable guidance to everyone who performs BA work, uses BA deliverables, reviews or approves BA deliverables, or manages or mentors BA practitioners. It will help readers comprehend the BA role, responsibilities, and deliverables that ensure business analysis success. For instructors, trainers, and students, the supplemental Mastering Business Analysis Standard Practices Workbook, designed to be used in conjunction with the main text, enables readers to practice the seven-step process they are learning with a realistic case study, exercises, and suggested solutions. It helps facilitate self-learning and course instruction effectively where users can engage the processes before applying them on their own projects. Key Features [bullet] Presents a structured step-by-step process for performing business analysis that any new or experienced practitioner could follow, rather than having to piece the process together themselves [bullet] Addresses stakeholder identification and thoroughly examines stakeholder analysis and management to ensure a deep understanding before planning or engaging stakeholder involvement [bullet] Discusses how to perform situational needs analysis and prepare situational justification for decision makers within the business context [bullet] Demonstrates how to plan the business analysis work effort and develop and execute communication and information management plans [bullet] Shows how to set up a project for success with a clear and concise scope definition boundary, maintain agreement on scope, and control scope in an ever-changing environment [bullet] Provides detailed guidance on developing solution requirements and design definition for building the solution to meet stakeholder needs [bullet] Details the business analysis practitioner's role as the solution is being bui

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