The legal and economic landscape for building and development have fundamentally been altered by the country's major environmental problems - climate change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, ozone depletion, pollution, and unsustainable natural resource consumption rates. The editors provide practical information for lawyers to assist their clients in fully understanding green building and sustainable development concepts so they can operate successfully in the evolving economic and regulatory environment while minimizing the potential cost penalty of business-as-usual practices.
The 28 chapters in this collection describe science-based principles and technological advances behind green technologies that can be effective solutions to pressing problems in sustainable water management.
The main areas covered by the book include: green and sustainable pavement materials; recycling technology; warm & cold mix asphalt materials; functional pavement design; self-healing pavement materials; eco-efficiency pavement materials; ...
In this book, the focus has been given to utilizing various renewable energy sources in diverse sectors. It also elaborates the descriptive methodology of different renewable energies, accompanied by figures and tables.
Sci . Tech . 50 ( 2 ) , 269-276 , 2004 o Jiménez , B. and Garduno , H .; Social , Political and Scientific Dilemmas for Massive Wastewater Reuse in the World ; in : Davis and McGin ( eds . ) Navigating Rough Waters ; Published by AWWA ...