Most construction lawyers are familiar with the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) forms of agreements, and the newer ConsensusDOCS forms. The ConsensusDocs forms replace many of the forms previously issued by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). Now completely revised, this invaluable resource offers a topic-by-topic comparison of these forms by providing: - An easy-reference guide to how the AIA, ConsensusDOCS and EJCDC forms treat the most significant issues in owner/contractor/subcontractor and owner/design professional agreements - Proposed alternative language for situations where the form contract approach may not provide the best solution - List comparing the most significant provisions from each of these forms (on the CD-ROM)
"Annotated analysis and comparison of the AI, ConsensusDocs, and EJCDC contract forums"--
This text deals with the important aspects of contract administration, supporting critical issues with case/legal principles. Written as a reference guide, it presents the fundamentals of contract law, with an...
This is an excellent, comprehensive text on the law governing construction contracts and the management and administration of those contracts.
This book provides it all under one cover – for the project side and the business side, Construction Contracting is a complete working resource in the field or office.
Retaining the same basic approach as its successful predecessors, this important text introduces the general principles that underlie contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to the most important standard forms currently ...
This updated new edition reflects the up-to-date best practices to understand how to better negotiate the commercial terms and conditions in construction contracts.
This is the first book to deal exclusively with variations in construction contracts and provide the detailed and comprehensive coverage that it demands.
A Practical Guide to Company Management Richard H. Clough, Glenn A. Sears, S. Keoki Sears, Robert O. Segner, Jerald L. Rounds. 58 Chapter 2 Business Ownership including entering contracts, whereas the lesser officers generally have more ...
In this superb new volume, Edward Whitticks has charted the course for anyone working with contracts and dispute control in oil and gas, one of the most volatile industries in the world.
... Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co Ltd v Commissioner of Works [1949] 2 KB 632 per Asquith LJ. 547 Marsden v Sambell (1880) 43 LT 120; (1880) 28 WR 952 cited by I N Duncan Wallace, Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts (11th ed, ...