This book is the first large-scale effort devoted to this controversial issue, providing a vast platform of comparative knowledge on direct, indirect, categorical, and partial takings. Written for legal professionals, academics, urban and regional planners, real estate developers, and civil-society groups, the book analyzes thirteen advanced economy countries representing a variety of legal regimes, institutional structures, cultures, geographic sizes, and population densities.
Charged with attempting to pervert justice on behalf of a lawyer , Morgan Ryan , Murphy went in the witness box and claimed his character was unsullied . He was shifty and evasive ; the jury did not believe him ; he was sent down for 18 ...
The Renewable Energy Law Review
... Kwazulu-Natal 1998 (1) SA 765 (CC) 241 South Atlantic Island Development Corporation Ltd v Buchan 1971 (1) SA 234 (C) 164 Swart v Shaw t/a Racing Stables 1996(1) SA 202 (C) 57 Swissborough Diamond Mines (Pty) Ltd v Government of the ...
... de Carvalho Celso de Magalhaes Pinto Edelberto Augusto Gomes Lima Edésio Fernandes Eugenio Pacelli de Oliveira Fernando Gonzaga Jayme Hermes Vilchez Guerrero José Adércio Leite Sampaio José Edgard Penna Amorim Pereira Misabel Abreu ...
Mireille Delmas-Marty et les années UMR
A l'occasion du centenaire du Colloque organisé par la Société de législation comparée en 1900, l'UMR de droit comparé propose de reprendre l'idée lancée alors d'un " droit commun de...
Studi giuridici comparati e internazionalizzazione del diritto: prolusione pronunciata giovedì 20 marzo 2003
Non bis in idem y reincidencia: estudio comparado sobre derechos fundamentales en España y México
See also MB Dorff, “The Group Dynamics Theory of Executive Compensation (2007) 28 Cardozo Law Review 2025, 2035–242 (explaining the failure of boards to rein in executive compensation partly with groupthink). * Sharpe (n 671) 263–4.
Some of the surviving law codes are originals, others near-contemporary copies. Together they preserve a partial but vivid picture of life in the early cites. This occupies more than half the book.