Every day Benny Lopez wakes up looking for a way to help people. One day he finds a mask and wears it while helping an elderly lady cross a busy street. With that act of grace, he becomes Boy Zorro--defender of good. Then, one morning at school, he helps stop a bully from intimidating another student.
一个炎热的夏日,唐可儿在小溪边抓住了一只泥龟,并把它带回了家.她万万没想到的是,这是一只会说话的泥龟,它向她讲述了皱褶巨人把它从王子变成泥龟的故事 ...
The magic treehouse takes Jack and Annie to a moon base in the future where they continue to search for the fourth thing they need to free their friend Morgan from the magician's spell.
Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answer to an ancient riddle.
The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back in time to feudal Japan where the siblings learn about the ways of the Ninja.
Tales of mystery
The book includes a complete version of The Analects of Confucius, and represents and interprets every sentence in it with 1-3 lively illustrations.
Spot and his friends have a wonderful time at a fancy dress party.