Electronic learning or E-learning is a general term used to refer to computer-enhanced learning. It is used interchangeably in so many contexts that it is critical to be clear what one means when one speaks of 'eLearning'. In many respects, it is commonly associated with the field of advanced learning technology (ALT), which deals with both the technologies and associated methodologies in learning using networked and/or multimedia technologies. By 2003, more than 1.9 million students were participating in on-line learning at institutions of higher education in the United States alone. Many higher education for-profit institutions, now offer on-line classes. By contrast, only about half of private, non-profit schools offer them. The Sloan report, based on a poll of academic leaders, says that students generally appear to be at least as satisfied with their on-line classes as they are with traditional ones. Private institutions may become more involved with on-line presentations as the cost of instituting such a system decreases. Properly trained staff must also be hired to work with students on-line. These staff members must be able to not only understand the content area, but also be highly trained in the use of the computer and Internet. Online education is increasing dramatically around the world. This book presents the latest research in the field.
... N. 2.2 Farrington , I. 2.1 Felstead A ( see Maguire , M. Maguire , S & Felstead , A 8.2 ) FEU 2.2 Fleming , D. 4.1 Foggo , T. 4.1 Ford , N. 7.1 Forsyth , I. 4.1 Fricker , J. 5.1 Funnell , P. ( see Muller D & Funnell P 3.2 ) Brockett ...
This document consists of case studies documenting how distance education (DE) changed the lives of 23 women from the following locations: China; Hong Kong; India; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; and Bangladesh.
"Emerging Themes": National Inquiry Into Rural and Remote Education
This report examines limits on access to education in Australia.
The book examines the power of distance learning methodologies from the learner, trainer and managerial perspectives, and offers a blueprint for designing effective distance learning curricula.
Higher education and distance learning in the United States: an introduction -- Higher education and distance learning in the United States: knowledge base and practice -- Distance learners: characteristics and needs -- Student development: ...
Supported Distance Learning in Prisons
Interactive Television for Distance Learning: From Plan to Practice
In this book respected individuals from different education sectors write about many aspects of learning technology; from Higher Education (Sue Beckingham, Peter Reed, Dr David Walker, Sheila MacNeil, Terese Bird, Wayne Barry, Inge de Waard ...
Digital Diploma Mills: Technology and the Business Takeover of Higher Education