A greatly revised edition of Agriculture Handbook 450 issued by the US Forest Service, this A–Z encyclopedia of woody plant seeds covers 386 genera, adds more than 1,000 literature citations to the original, and treats all aspects of collection, storage, and germination.
The Woody Plant Seed Manual
Apocarya ( L , G ) Different from true hickory or Eucarya . aqua ( L ) Water . aquatica ( L ) Growing in or near water ... ( L ) Bird - catching . aurantifolia ( L ) Golden - leaved . aurantium ( L ) Golden . aurea , aureum ( L ) Golden ...
(Leguminosae): a new record for the flora of Turkey. Turk. J. Bot. ... An analysis of flowers and fruits in New Zealand of Central Asia: Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Springer, New York ... Exotic fruits and nuts of the New World.
Comprehensive references on forest genetics include Dorman (1976), Wright (1976) and Zobel and Talbert (1984). ... Even the fabled case of Saxony spruce in which pure stands of Norway sprucePicea abies L. were blamed for site ...
Provides information on growing native trees, vines, and shrubs from seeds, covering such topics as how to extract a seed, treating and germinating a seed, growth rate, and transplanting.
Three species are native to North America; 1 native and 1 introduced species are found in our range. Many larches are popular ornamentals valued mostly for their golden fall foliage. Deciduous trees with sparse, open crowns.
removal generally results in complete germination ( Jones and Brown , 1966 ; Petersen , 1983 ) . Some have suggested that the pericarp is a barrier to water uptake , but several studies have shown that this is not the cause of dormancy ...
Minnesota Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Manual of the Native and Cultivated Woody Plants of the State
... seed herbivores in savannas (e.g. Vaz Ferreira et al. 2011). In Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South America, some of the most important pre‐dispersal seed herbivores (predators) are beetles from the subfamily Bruchinae ...
This exceptional work, widely used in university courses in botany, biology, forestry, etc., is a valuable tool and instructor to the naturalist, woodsman, or farmer, and to anyone who has wondered about the name of a leafless tree in ...