Although there is no cure, Understanding Chronic Pain outlines new and effective treatments that focus on the management of pain and improvement in a patient's quality of life."
Living with Chronic Pain
Carl , Stephanie Matthews - Simonton and James Creighton . Getting Well Again : A Step - by - Step . Self - Help Guide to Overcoming Cancer for Patients and their Families . Los Angeles : J. P. Tarcher , Inc. , 1978 . Tillich , Paul .
Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia
Multimethod Assessment of Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a common phenomenon affecting large numbers of the population.
Clinica Mayo Sobre Dolor Cronico
The purpose of this book entitled" Itch and Pain: Similarities, Interactions and Differences" follows these 2 societies' mission.
Sustained self-treatment is by far the most effective trigger point therapy. Pain Relief with Trigger Point Self-Help helps you understand and then treat your condition, leading to rapid, effective, and lasting pain relief.
Free Yourself from Chronic Pain and Sports Injuries: How Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine Can Help You Become Pain Free
The Explain Pain Handbook is for people in pain, their friends, families and health professionals.