"Singing with Mind, Body, and Soul" is unique in that it truly is a practical guide for voice teachers, singers, and choral conductors alike. It outlines in a clear and straightforward way the fundamentals of a healthy vocal technique. Step-by-step tools and exercises are used to achieve a solid, healthy vocal production. Included in each chapter are specific exercises for increasing kinesthetic awareness while singing. The tools, used together with the exercises, retrain the muscles and allow the vocal mechanism to release tension, at the same time keeping energy and vitality in the voice. "Singing with Mind, Body, and Soul" offers to both singer and teacher a comprehensive guide for beautiful, healthy, soulful singing.
Paraphrasing the Basher Science book Physics—Why Matter Matters by Dan Green and Simon Basher (pages 42−46), here's a model where you can jump inside one of the waves and see what's happening. Imagine you and your friends are standing ...
This collection of technical discussions, exercises, and insights will help you improve all aspects of using your voice from healthy sound production to exercises for greater vocal facility to guidance on rehearsing with your band.
Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt's excellent volume, With a Song in My Psyche, takes the mystery out of both success and failure in pursuing one's singing goals and offers voice teachers a well-stocked arsenal of tools and wisdom to successfully help ...
Divided into three main sections, this book offers information and exercises, which combine to provide a practical guide to achieving well-being.
This of course meant that the brain and the immune system had to be capable of communicating , a serious breach of the accepted medical knowledge at that time . Ader then enlisted the assistance of Nicholas Cohen , an immunologist also ...
This book also comes with a one page Action plan you can use Immediately to help you start becoming the well Connected you, you have always wanted to be today!Your about to discover all of these things and more with Mind, Body, Spirit: The ...
"Githa Ben-David presents a method for liberating the natural voice using regressive cell singing--one of the most direct ways to get in contact with the subconscious mind.
George W. Bush should read this book." -DENVER POST "The columns in this rich collection form one of the more thoughtful and laugh-provoking journeys that I've taken in a long spell.
Practical-application exercises train the mind of the singer to work with, rather than at cross purposes with, the systems of singing.
Each viewercan also receive additional Divine Soul MindBody Transplants as divine gifts. This book offers you the most powerful soul healing available at this time; it is truly a breakthrough divine gift and treasure for humanity.