A cornerstone of our Down syndrome collection and an essential resource for thousands of parents and professionals, this guide to gross motor development is thoroughly revised and updated. In parent-friendly language, the author explains the many physiological reasons that children with Down syndrome experience delays in their gross motor development and presents a physical therapy treatment plan from birth to age 6. Over 200 photos accompany step-by-step instructions to help readers assess a child's gross motor readiness and teach skills for head control, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, using stairs, running, kicking, jumping, and riding a tricycle. This second edition features additional activities, many new photos, info on transitioning from trikes to bikes, tips to address problems such as flat feet, and tendencies to watch for that can thwart development. Use this comprehensive and encouraging resource to get started working on your child's gross motor development and to supplement physical therapy.
Available online. URL: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health& res=9D07EED7173CF933A15750C0A962958260. Stray-Gunderson, Karen, ed. Babies with Down Syndrome: A New Parents Guide. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 1986.
Fifth-grader Katie wants to be best friends with the new girl who seems to be good at everything, but that means leaving her friend Esther and the mentally handicapped neighbor boy behind.
智能障礙者的性教育: 誰來教?教什麼?如何教?
Jessy feels left out when her sister brings a friend home to tea. Worse still, the friend isn't used to people who have Down's Syndrome, like Jessy. A friend of her own is what Jessy wants, and one turns up in an unlikely place. `
diagrams showed two median thermoresistant bands ( h ) in DS sera and a thermolabile - diffuse AP pattern ( g ) in ... [ 2 ] Grozdea J , Vergnes H , Brisson - Lougarre A , Bourrouillou G , Verdier J , Martin J , Blum C , Colombies P.
Hi, I'm Ben!: And I've Got a Secret!
John Langdon Down, 1828-1896: A Caring Pioneer
Part 2: Motor Development, Learning, and Adaptive Change.
This book explains the best practices and procedures for helping children master the finger and hand skills needed for home and school activities.
Motor Development for Individuals with Down Syndrome: An Overview