Journals, volume one, first of the series, covers the years 1832 to 1839.
The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith
The Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon: Typographical Facsimile of the Extant Text
Taylor G. Petrey's trenchant history takes a landmark step forward in documenting and theorizing about Latter-day Saints (LDS) teachings on gender, sexual difference, and marriage.
The book explores the best methodologies for appraising the historical record, including a review of Smith's world and its contextual background, an analysis of his foundational experiences, and a characterization of Smith as a man and ...
That debate, according to the editors of "Producing ancient scripture," is a tired one. What's needed today is a modern scholarly approach to the Book of Mormon and the rest of Smith's writings.
Spencer W. McBride tells the story of Joseph Smith's quixotic but consequential run for the White House and shows how his calls for religious freedom helped to shape the American political system we know today.
Chronicling nearly two thousand years of history, this panoramic saga follows the destiny of Abraham, a Jewish scribe, and his descendants from the burning of Jerusalem under the Romans to the 1943 battle of the Warsaw ghetto.
This volume--the work of a lifetime--brings together all the Joseph Smith Translation manuscript in a remarkable and useful way. Now, for the first time, readers can take a careful look...
This book opens new possibilities for understanding the lived experiences of women and men in the Mormon past and present, and investigates what work these rituals and ritualized acts actually performed in the communities that carried them ...