This sixth edition of a national bestseller is organized the way businesspeople think--by product rather than by agency. It is a comprehensive, yet user-friendly, resource for navigating the products and services of various U.S. and foreign government agencies as well as multilateral organizations including the International Finance Corporation and Inter-American Development Bank.
Jen Psaki, “The Facts on AIG,” October 27, 2010, wwwwhitehousegov/blog/ZO10/ 10/27/facts-aig. Jim McTague, “Running Afoul of Obama's Adding Machine,” Barron's, November 1, 2010, 40; Alain Sherter, “Why the Obama White House Is Feuding ...
16 For a further discussion of the “I have a dream” passage, see Clarence B. Jones and Stuart Connelly, ... 29 On immigrants' capacity for leadership, see Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull House (New York: New American Library, 1961), ...
I didn't grasp why until one day Nunn told us the advice passed on by Herman Talmadge, the senior senator from our state. Nunn had voiced his exasperation because so much mail appeared to come from nuts and kooks whose letters made ...
“An electric page-turner that reads like a thriller.” — MOLLIE HEMINGWAY “No prominent journalist covered the story as completely as Byron York.
invited Anderson to participate. Carter boycotted the debate, which took place with only Reagan and Anderson. Carter's boycott continued for a month, with Reagan demanding that Anderson be included and Carter refusing.
A four-term Republican congressman from Ohio takes readers inside the legislative process to show how political leaders are failing the American people.
In Out of Order he tells the story of this history-making battle to control the Supreme Court through exclusive interviews with McConnell, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and other top officials, Trump campaign operatives, court activists, and ...
Granted unprecedented access to every nook and cranny of the paper, including candid exchanges with its most celebrated journalists, such as Bob Woodward, Sally Quinn, David Broder, and former executive editor Ben Bradlee (who gave the book ...
Major General Arnold Punaro, USMC (Ret.), served 35 years in uniform.
Deadly distractions -- Totally under control -- Seeking revenge -- The P-word -- Rebelling against the experts -- Refusing to mask up -- Bunkers, blasts, and bibles -- Staring down the dragon -- A sea of empty seats -- The skunks at the ...