Sophisticated problem solving in strategic communication or public relations (PR) is done through planning, strategic communication planning. The focus of this book is to meld current trends in social media to strategic communications planning in the field of PR. The definition of social media used here is channels delivering web-based information created by people to improve communication. This work used the strategic communication plan based on Wilson and Ogden's (2014) work for basic structure and an operational definition of strategic communication developed by one of the authors. The steps in a typical strategic communication campaign that will be affected include goals, measurable objectives, the big idea, key publics, message design, strategies and tactics and evaluation or return on investment. This book covers the major social media platforms and addresses branding, crisis communications, entertainment and sports, citizen journalism, and analytics. The contribution to the body of knowledge should be highly significant, affecting the way PR professionals go about devising and conducting strategic communication campaigns in light of the effect of social media as well as how academics teach the process in their classrooms.
Media Literacy, second edition and fourth edition. ... Forbes. www. nate-2017/#1c6180fa141f ... Media Literacy: Keys to Interpreting Media Messages, pp.
With a focus on what makes social media unique among communication platforms, this book offers practical guidance on creating, implementing, and evaluating social media strategies and tactics.
Divided into two parts, the text first describes the theoretical foundation of social media use, discussing the impact of social media on information processing, social networking, cognition, interpersonal and group communication, the media ...
... dialogic spaces and allow publics to reframe and debate salient issues (De Bussey, 2010; Hughes and Demetrious, 2006; Motion and Leitch, 2008). Key ideas that are applied within the discourse engagement paradigm include change, ...
... please visit: ... US $295.00 Information Technology Integration for Socio-Economic Development Titus Tossy (Mzumbe University, ...
This book focuses on developing a systematic approach to understanding the transformations in Africa's public sector social media landscape.
Key Features This three-volume A-to-Z encyclopedia set includes 600 short essays on high-interest topics that explore social media’s impact on politics, such as “Activists and Activism,” “Issues and Social Media,” “Politics and ...
With burgeoning employee access to social media, governance around social media use, both official and unofficial, has become a crucial inclusion in any ...
Thieken, A. H., Kreibich, H., Müller, M., & Merz, B. (2007). Coping with floods: Preparedness, response and recovery of flood-affected residents in Germany in 2002. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(5), ...
This book will become your go-to reference guide for all things social media-related as it applies to public relations and the everyday duties of PR professionals.