Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) is a well-established elemental analysis technology. It remains one of the most popular and cost-effective analysis tools used by chemists, physicists, and materials scientists worldwide. This second edition offers a concise introduction to AAS concepts, essential methodologies, and important applications. It has been comprehensively updated for the latest advances in AAS techniques and instruments. Highlights include: • Overviews of all basic atomic absorption concepts, including atomic line spectra theory, common sampling techniques, radiation sources, spectrometers, and detectors; • Coverage of hydride generation, cold vapor generation and electrothermal generation, as well as flow injection analysis (FIA) to enhance AAS analytical performance; • New sections on troubleshooting and quality control guidelines, chemometrics, and emerging fields of applications, including analysis of nanoparticles; and • Selected examples of standards for chemical analysis.
( a ) ( b ) al Figure 4.9 Spray chambers commonly used for ICP - AES : ( a ) , double pass ; ( b ) , single pass with impact bead . they would cause flicker and consequent imprecision , and generally the bulk of droplets are of the ...
Also discussed are applications of the atomic absorption method in marine geochemistry and for isotopic abundance studies. The book includes some Appendices to the First Edition.
Analysis of water. Analysis of geological materials. Analysis of organic samples. Analysis of metals and alloys. Analysis of air samples. Analysis of petroleum and petroleum products. Analysis of industrial samples....
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: A Practical Guide
The main aim of this book is to cover all major topics which are required to equip scholars with the recent advancement in this field. The book is divided into 12 chapters with an emphasis on specific topics.
"Provides a thorough, up-to-date survey of techniques for elemental analysis--including atomic absorption spectroscopy, atomic fluorescence, flame photometry, emission spectroscopy, and plasma emission.
Sabé, R.; Rubio, R. and García-Beltrán, L. (1999). Study and comparison of several chemical modifiers for selenium determination in human serum by Zeeman electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 398: 279–287.
This book describes both the theory of atomic spectroscopy and all the major atomic spectrometric techniques (AAS, Flame-AES, Plasma AES, AFS, and ICP-MS), including basic concepts, instrumentation and applications.
W. Slavin and G. R. Carnrick , CRC Crit . Rev. Anal . Chem . , 19 , 95 ( 1988 ) . ... Y. Y. Zong , P. J. Parsons , and W. Slavin , Spectrochim . Acta , Part B , 49B , 1667 ( 1994 ) . ... M. Beaty , W. Barnett , and Z. Grobenski , Atom .
This book addresses Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS), which has gained worldwide acceptance as an analytical technique.