Convince your online participants to tune in—and get them to interact and engage. Virtual classroom training is here to stay, and web and video conferencing is close to ubiquitous. Interact and Engage! offers proven strategies for captivating your live online audience. With more than 50 activities ranging from openers and icebreakers to closers, instructional design experts Kassy LaBorie and Tom Stone present a framework for igniting online training programs, meetings, and webinars. Engaging online audiences can be difficult. This is true for novice instructional designers and facilitators—and for experienced ones. Learn how to break the mold of static lecture-style online training that drives participants to multitask or, worse, tune out. LaBorie and Stone cover all the steps necessary to remedy poor online training experiences and ensure that what you teach sticks. In this book you will: Explore the popular delivery platforms (Adobe Connect and WebEx Training Center) inside and out, backwards and forwards, and upside down. Discover how to start events off right and bring them to a fitting end, while achieving the event’s goals in the middle. Delve into what facilitators and producers need to do before, during, and after an activity.
In this new, updated edition of Interact and Engage!, the authors offer more than 75 activities as well as tips and strategies to help you create effective online learning and masterful meetings and webinars.
Light and fun, this book will be your go-to resource when you need that perfect engaging activity.
In this new, updated edition of Interact and Engage!, the authors offer more than 75 activities as well as tips and strategies to help you create effective online learning and masterful meetings and webinars.
In this book, Kassy LaBorie, go-to training expert and co-author of Interact and Engage! 50 Activities for Virtual Training, Meeting, and Webinars, guides you through the production knowledge and skills a trainer needs to master the ...
Halls, J. 2014. “Memory and Cognition in Learning.” Infoline. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press. Hodell, C. 2016. ISD From the Ground Up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instructional Design, 4th edition. Alexandria, VA: ATD Press. Hofmann, J. 2004.
This book will help learning professionals transition to the online classroom by taking a holistic look at successful implementation, including gaining organizational support, selecting a platform, designing classes, selecting facilitators, ...
In G. HernezBroome & L. Boyce (Eds.), Advancing executive coaching: Setting the course for successful leadership coaching (pp. 285–315). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Clutterbuck, D., & Hussain, Z. (Eds.). (2010). Virtual coach, virtual ...
Help your attendees develop trust and improve their engagement with your company and with one another by using the practical and convenient tools found within this book. Author John Chen introduces you to the 6-step ENGAGE method. 1.
Why some parents don't come to school. Educating for Diversity, 51(8), 50–54. Available at ... Boston, MA: Pearson.
Paul Greenberg, “Time to Put a Stake in the Ground on Social CRM,” PGreenblog (July 6, 2009), pgreenblog/2009/07/time-to-put-a-stake-in-the-ground-on-social-crm. html. 8. Jon Swartz, “Businesses Use ...