Post-Pandemic Social Studies: How COVID-19 Has Changed the World and How We Teach WAYNE JOURNELL, ED. Teaching History for Justice: Centering Activism in Students' Study of the Past CHRISTOPHER C. MARTELL & KAYLENE M. STEVENS Critical ...
scholars, activists, and community leaders to demand attention to the erasure of inequality. The incident briefly drew national protests and visibility of racial injustice, but too quickly people saw the problems as localized to ...
This important volume brings together key writings from one of the most influential education scholars of our time. In this collection of her seminal essays on critical race theory (CRT),...
The model minority stereotype: Demystifying Asian American success. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Hartlep, N. D., & Scott, D. P. (2016). Asian/American curricular epistemicide: From being excluded to becoming a model ...
New Perspectives for Social Studies Education. Finally, this spectacular world of non-life reaches it “highest expression in the world of the autonomous image, where deceit deceives itself ” (T2). For one to whom the real world becomes ...
Brings together several scholars from both law and education to provide some clarity on the status and future directions of Critical Race Theory, answering key questions regarding the ''what' and ''how'' of the application of CRT to ...
In a follow up to the book, Doing Race in Social Studies (2015), this new volume addresses practical considerations of teaching about race within the context of history, geography, government, economics, and the behavioral sciences.
This volume contributes to a more effective, powerful, and insightful theorization of racism across the social spectrum while furthering the movement for greater equity in higher education and beyond.
This volume examines how teacher educators are (or are not) supporting beginning and experienced social studies teachers in such turbulent times, and it offers suggestions for moving the field forward by better educating teachers to address ...
Millner, H. R., & Laughter, J. C. (2014). But good intentions are not enough: Preparing teachers to ... Racism as an inherent and normalized aspect of American society Pirbhai-Illich, F., Austin, T., Paugh, P., & Farino, Y. (2011).