... 151 Leggett, E. L., 145 Lehman, J., 143 Lehman, S., xviii, xix, 79, 83, 87, 109, 133, 145 Lenhart, A., 58, 75 Lester, J. C., 32 Leutner, D., 41 Levin, D., 107 Levin, H. M., 2, 5 Lewis, L., 7, 8 Lientz, B. P., 167 Lin, X., 15 Lipsey, ...
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2015). The systematic design of instruction (8th ed.). Upper Saddle, River, NJ: Pearson. Ekeles, T, Phillips, J. J., & Phillips, P. P. (2017). Chieftalent officer: The evolving role of the chief ...
This edited book is divided into three major sections: *Policy, Practice, and Implementation Issues -- an overview of policy issues, as well as tools and designs to facilitate implementation of Web-based learning; *Theory and Research ...
Kottler, J., Fincher, G., and et al., (1997) Microsoft Visual InterDev: The Comprehensive Solutions Package UNLEASHED. Indianapolis, IN: Sams Publishing. Kumar, D.D., & Helgeson, S.L.(1995). Trends in computer applications in science ...
Written by an expert editorial team with an international selection of authoritative contributors, this edition of ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is an excellent introductory text for doctors and other health professionals ...
pméygenerb' f List the templates that will have to be developed: What are the copyright issues that need to be addressed? What other materials will be needed to enhance the learning event with respect to learning?
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2015, held in Guangzhou, China, in Noavember 2015.
Written by bestselling author William Horton, this book provides the hands-on and practical guidance that trainers demand.
Discussing Web-based training from design, development, delivery, management, implementation, and evaluation perspectives, this book includes 63 chapters by experts from around the world.
"This book explores a series of issues related to the current state, objectives and future trends of collaborative learning"--Provided by publisher.
"This comprehensive collection offers a compendium of research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of online learning technologies, addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the creation and management of Web ...