In today’s über-competitive climate, you can’t just wing it when you graduate and count on finding a great job (or a great job finding you). It pays to figure out your interests early, so you can decide what additional schooling—and tuition debt—makes sense for your chosen field. In What Color Is Your Parachute? For Teens, career authorities Carol Christen and Richard N. Bolles not only help you plan for these decisions, but also help you define the unique passions that will lead you to your dream job. With new chapters on social media and sustainable jobs—along with all-new profiles of twentysomethings who’ve found work in solar energy, magazine writing, and more—this new edition has all the nitty-gritty details you need to get started now. Most importantly, it’s packed with the big-picture advice that will set you up to land the job that’s perfect for who you are—and who you want to be. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Discovering Yourself, Defining Your Future Richard Nelson Bolles, Carol Christen. Who Should Read This Book ? ... Richard N. Bolles , one of the authors of this book , has a website ( www.JobHunters ) through which he hears ...
What Color is Your Parachute? for Teens: Discovering Yourself, Defining Your Future
A job-hunting manual for teens helps high school and college students zero in on their favorite skills and apply that knowledge to finding their perfect major or job.
The groundbreaking, indispensable guide to rewarding work and a fulfilling life—more than ten million copies sold! For more than fifty years, What Color Is Your Parachute? has transformed the way people think about job hunting.
FOR RETIREMENT Planning a Prosperous , Healthy , and Happy Future PEROUS PAR MAJORT MEANINGFUL WORK JOHN E. NELSON CARON BOLLES CHRISTE KATHARINE BROOKS A guide to help students zero in ...
This new edition has been fully revised for 2021 by Vanderbilt University Career Center Director Katharine Brooks, EdD, with modern advice on the job hunt strategies that are working today, such as building an online resume, making the most ...
A Practical Manual for Job-hunters and Career-changers Richard Nelson Bolles. This is an annual. That is to say, it is revised each year, often substantially, with the new edition appearing in the early fall.
What Color is Your Parachute?: A Practical Manual for Job-hunters & Career Changers
"A modern guide for students on how to choose a major, create a four-year plan, make the most of your college experience, land an internship, and successfully secure your first job"--
... [inactive] Carey Adams Careers Advice Personal careers advice and guidance, throughout the UK Abby House, Abbey Green Chester, Cheshire CH12JH Phone: 01244 403422 Contact: Carey Adams, Principal, Career Coach ...