... did get the color , a faded shade of red - orange . " Jake's eyes met Bud's momentarily . " You know darker toward a red in some places and faded more orange in others ? " " Yes Jake , I know faded red - orange 37 A LEGACY OF MURDER.
This is not the only ground that Inspector Ian Rutledge of Scotland Yard must tread carefully, for the case will soon lead him to Scotland, where many of Rutledge's ghosts rest uneasily.
... the pages of a bound book. “What?” “Wait until you see this.” Erika brought the book and stood between Ragni and Susan. “Look.” She held a page open. Faded ink words on the left, a faded drawing of local flowers The owo Legacy 383.
... Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) • Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England • Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) • Penguin Group (Australia), ...
That means she needs an expert tracker's help. Gideon Hartley has the skill, but the handsome trail guide also has a troubling secret… Gideon has spent years trying to numb his pain with whiskey.
Her thin voice is almost singing as she continues, “I can see my future and there are no dark Lords in it. ... And if Kohinoor's prediction for herself is true, then it is possible that Zo, too, will find her way out of this calamity.
Burton Hendrick, “The Mormon Revival of Polygamy,” McClure's Magazine, Feb. 1911, 36:458; Hardy, Solemn Covenant, 183. 36. ◁ Cannon, “Mormon Muckraker,” 47–52; Cannon, “Magazine Crusade against the Mormon Church,” 27, note 100; ...
Like the heart-breaking book I Never Saw Another Butterfly, which contains the poetry and drawings of the children of Terezín, the handwritten cookbook is proof that the Nazis could not break the spirit of the Jewish people.
... a faded flannel blanket, she found her Crazy Quilt diamond—but something else lay beneath it. Wrapped in a bundle of muslin were the rest of the fabrics Eleanor had used the previous day, the two crazy patch diamonds Miss Langley had ...
Nick Bracken, the deputy chief executive, was the former borough commander for Newham when Mac and his team were thrown under the bus. He went on to run Sir Robin's enforcement department in 2011 and rose to be chief operating officer.