PDQ Evidence-Based Principles and Practice addresses the concepts of evidence based health care in a gentle, non-technical manner. One of its two major purposes is to provide a background to understand health care research and how best to evaluate and apply new research findings in health. The audience is librarians and other information professionals who work with health professionals. Clinicians seeking a gentle approach to working with health research findings will also benefit. In addition the book outlines how best to identify important studies in health care published in the large bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE and the Internet. Readers found the first edition useful in understanding health research and seeking this information. The second edition strengthened both purposes. It also adds 4 new chapters to the existing 9 that cover new areas of understanding and producing health research. All chapters from the previous edition have been revised. Several new chapters (hot topics) have been added: Clinical Prediction Guides, Decision Analyses, Differential Diagnosis and Disease Manifestation, and Health Technology Assessment. Proven and validated search strategies for use in the large electronic biomedical databases have been included in the edition. Lists of possible searching terms have been enhanced and enlarged. We have also added an appendix of terms used in the book using plain language descriptions as well as searching tips and sites for retrieval in the categories of health research . This book helps the reader develop optimal, effective MEDLINE search strategies. It offers step-by-step suggestions for retrieving sound clinical studies on the etiology, prognosis, diagnosis, prevention, and management of disorders encountered in adult general medicine. Key Features Gentle, non-technical introduction to the concepts of evidence based health care Provides a background to understanding health care research Provides a guide for evaluating health care research Provides searching tips and techniques to enhance and speed searching for health care research in the large electronic databases Collects searching terms effective for retrieval of clinically important material from MEDLINE and related databases
Blaser MJ . Perez - Perez GI . Schubert TT . Institution Division of Gastroenterology , Henry Ford Hospital , Detroit , Michigan , USA . Title Accuracy of invasive and noninvasive tests to diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection ( see ...
This practical guide that will assist readers to access, interpret, and use evidence-based practices (EBP).
Baum, N. (2006). End-of-year treatment termination: Responses of social work student trainees. British Journal ofSocial Work, 36, 639–656. Baum, N. (2007). Field supervisors' feelings and concerns at the termination of the supervisory ...
This comprehensive text focuses on reasoning, critical thinking and pragmatic decision making in medicine.
... X, + B.S. + e. where S indicates a client's membership in one of the 5 (quintile) or 10 (decile) strata. ... Heckman (Heckman & Hotz, 1989; Heckman & Todd, 1996) proposes a twostage approach to adjust for the ...
Simply stated, 'Pick this book up and use it.
First, the suggestion that quality of care is in the eye of the beholder points to the different interests of multiple users. This issue encompasses both measurement and communication challenges. Measurement and analysis methods must ...
practice guidelines for social work intervention: Issues, methods, and research agenda. ... British Journal of Social Work, 8, 393–409. Gibbs, L. E. (2003). ... Task-centered case management for the elderly: Developing a practice model.
The strength of Guyatt and Rennie's (2002) Users' Guides to the Medical Literature is that it is compact and in paperback format, with a CD-rom included. The primary objective of this handbook is to improve clinical decision-making ...
This book is a valuable new tool to help residents, practicing psychiatrists, and other mental health workers understand and make use of evidence-based information to improve their everyday practice.