This book summarizes relevant data on suicide in countries belonging to different cultures and geographical areas. Specifically, the e-book discuses the relationship between suicide prevention agencies including government organizations; what the important issues are and what can be learned from different contests. Cultural aspects are highlighted to provide explanation for the different scenarios regarding suicide.
other evidence, Clarkson's mother testified on the stand that Clarkson shopped for and purchased shoes the day before her death. Why, the prosecution asked, would she buy shoes on the day before she planned to kill herself?
ing on philosophy, psychology, and systems theory, this work presents a fresh, new approach to understanding suicide. Presents fourteen common characteristics of suicide, each of which is carefully described in...
... 2016) • Negative, poor, or minimal family support and family stigma (Beiser, Erickson, Fleming, & Iacono, 1993; Birchwood, Todd, & Jackson, 1998; Janssen et al., 2004; Johnstone, Macmillan, Frith, Benn, & Crow, 1990; Kavanagh, 1992; ...
Emile Durkheim's On Suicide (1897) was a groundbreaking book in the field of sociology. Traditionally, suicide was thought to be a matter of purely individual despair but Durkheim recognized that the phenomenon had a social dimension.
In this groundbreaking work, Thomas Joiner offers a unified theory of suicide, making the case that many acts that appear homicidal are best understood primarily as suicidal.
Provides information on suicide statistics and gives advice on how to recognize the warning signs of a potential suicide attempt, how to intervene when a suicide has been attempted, and how to comfort families and friends who have lost a ...
What differentiates this work from others is that it covers the breadth of the subject but also considers issues in enough depth to make their importance and complexity clear.
The increase in suicides among military personnel has raised concern. This book reviews suicide epidemiology in the military, catalogs military suicide-prevention activities, and recommends relevant best practices.
This book reviews the recent research into biological aspects of suicide behavior and outlines each of the varied, recent approaches to prevent suicide.
"The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania."