Effective, passionate leadership requires many things. In Leading With Passion,/i>, John Murphy outlines ten elite leadership essentials. Combine these key factors and you have a means to inspire and lead with passion. Soon you'll find that not only are you performing better as a leader, but your team is sharing your vision and following your lead to ultimate success. A must have for leaders.
With powerful stories, devotional insights, Scripture promises, prayers, inspirational quotes and practical life applications, Life saver is sure to become your guidebook for making a difference in your world.
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BARNEY'S. BEST BREAD. The sign hung over the doorway of the smallshop Eleanor had been looking for. It was the new neighborhood bakery everyone was talking about. She couldn't resist the fragrance of fresh-baked bread wafting through ...
Frances Beer chooses Julian's first, more intimate, Revelationson which to base this accessible edition and study of her life and work.
Lectio divina: die Kunst der geistlichen Lesung
Sue Monk Kidd. Book design by Elizabeth Woll Type set in Baskerville No. 2 and Tiffany Cover design by Bob Pantelone Cover photograph by Doris Gehrig Barker ISBN 0-8378-1828-1.
The Royal Invitation and Loyal Responses
Family Devotional Builder: Family Activities for Developing Biblical Values
My Favorite Verse
Together We Can