Traces the scientific and philosophical achievements of medieval Arab scholars, exploring such topics as the advances of a group of minds from the royal library of Baghdad and the invaluable contributions they made to Western culture and the Renaissance era.
The staggering achievements of these men and women influenced the development of modern mathematics, science, engineering, and medicine. 1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization sheds new light on this golden era that was ...
In the third book in the Jackie Tempo series, a teenager risks everythingincluding the fate of humankindin her quest to find her way back home.
Ishaq, the son of the chief translator to the Caliph of ancient Baghdad, travels the world in search of precious books and manuscripts and brings them back to the great library known as the House of Wisdom.
The West needs to see the Islamic world through new eyes and the Islamic world, in turn, to take pride in its extraordinarily rich heritage. Anyone who reads this book will understand why.
"The most valuable aspect of religion," writes Robert Lawrence Smith, "is that it provides us with a framework for living.
The story of all of us, stretching across two millennia. Imaginative, unique, heartbreaking, this is John Boyne at his most creative and compelling.
This book is a celebration of art, of community and of our common history.
Reprinted by permission of Dutton, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. H. D. Miller: Excerpt from "The Dove's Neck-Ring" ... Michael Fishbein and Weidenfeld and Nicolson: Excerpt from a poem by Khuraymi abridged by Hugh Kennedy and ...
Profiles Grecian influences on tenth-century Arab society
This volume examines the library of the Abbasid caliphs, known as "The House of Wisdom" ("Bayt al-Hikma"), exploring how this important institution has been misconceived by scholars’.