Draws on groundbreaking research in computational linguistics to explain what language choices reveal about feelings, self-concept, and social intelligence, in a lighthearted treatise that also explores the language personalities of famous individuals.
That's the advice James Pennebaker and John Evans offer in Expressive Writing: Words That Heal. This book will help you overcome the traumas and emotional upheavals that are keeping you awake.
In this journey: We learn the secrets of Trader Joe's success from Trader Joe himself Drive with truckers caught in a job they call "sharecropping on wheels" Break into industrial farms with activists to learn what it takes for a product to ...
... Gisela Redeker , Edward Schaefer , Michael Schober , Robert Schreuder , Elizabeth Shriberg , Dale Schunk , Vicki Smith , Heather Stark , Elizabeth Wade , Thomas Wasow , Steve Whittaker , Steve Whittaker , Deanna Wilkes - Gibbs .
"The best book ever written about the strangest CIA chief who ever lived.
Wendy Wood draws on three decades of original research to explain the fascinating science of how we form habits, and offers the key to unlocking our habitual mind in order to make the changes we seek.
Once the “hot” questions are isolated, the polygrapher may note, “Gee, I really believe what you have told me, but my machine shows a huge reaction when you answered that question. Why do you think this is happening?
"Emotion, Disclosure and Health" addresses some of the basic issues of psychology and psychotherapy: how people respond to emotional upheavals, why they respond the way they do, and why translating emotional events into language increases ...
At the heart of this psychological suspense novel is the haunting depiction of a family’s fall and the extraordinary gifted dog, Caity, who knows the truth.
When Anna J. Baxter was elected county clerk of Jasper County, Missouri, in 1890, the first woman elected to public office in that state, her rival challenged her eligibility on the grounds ...
Seventeen-year-old Arin Andrews shares all the hilarious, painful, and poignant details of undergoing gender reassignment as a high school student in this winning memoir.